Monalisa Perez & Pedro Ruiz: Pluperfect Poster Children for the “Dumb & Dumber” Impact of th
It ought to be a soul-cleansing experience. But it is instead quite paralyzing to realize that the focus of your life’s work – in our...

Heart Surgeon Found Guilty in 'Extreme Child Porn' Case. Prison Time? Of Course Not
And so it comes to pass - not much to our surprise - that yet another perverted Mid-Eastern physician - this one in Great Britain - has...

Senator Bob Menendez' Doctor-Scamster Buddy Finally Goes to Prison. Next . . . .
Another scummy doctor-friend of rich and powerful East coast politicians was sentenced yesterday to 17 years in federal prison. So the...

Doctor/Rapist Strikes Again. Courts Let Him Walk the Streets . . . Yes, Again
In the city of New York a convicted doctor/rapist - who should have been in prison but wasn't - has now been arrested yet again on...

Shia Muslim Doctors Out on Bail in Michigan; Await Genital Mutilation Trial
In Detroit two Mid-Eastern physicians are out on bail. Their names are doctors Jumana Nagarwala and Fakhruddin Attar. Nagarwala, the...

Pakistani Nurses Fed up With Sexual Harassment -They Beat up the Surgeon
In the city of Karachi a group of nurses evidently had about all they were willing to take from a sexual predator physician they were...

The Impact of Mass Immigration on California Healthcare: It's Ugly
Much of California’s medical care system totters precariously on the edge of a financial cliff, and the fault of this frightening reality...

Is It Sunday?? Oh, Thank Heaven. Time For Phreaked-out Physician Headlines
You know us by now. So no need to ask for even a second, if these daft doctor dramas are true: New Jersey Doctor Stole a Dead Man's Hand...

'The 'Greatest Nation on Earth?' Hardly. We're Dumber Than a Box of Rocks
Three-quarters of a million drug ads on network television alone in the good ol' USA per year, and we-the-people have the gold-plated,...

Kansas Doctor Has Just the Cure for Menstrual Woes: His Vaginal 'Glue-Stick'
"I don't know how periods work, but I know they scare me, so I invented this." The former wild west shoot-out town of Wichita has spawned...