Medical "Cures" People Used to Fall For. We're Goofy Now; We Were Just as Goofy Back i
Face it: adult human primates have pretty much always clopped along like unthinking sheep, lured into whatever freaky fad happens to be...
Doctor’s Body Wrapped in Plastic Bags for Months. Medical School Pays Him Anyway
It seems the University of Connecticut Medical School might want to rethink their competency in keeping track of folks they employ. They...
Mid-Eastern Doctors and Sexual Perversions. Is Pent-up Religious Frustration the Cause?
The deep legal doo-doo that an immigrant-Iranian MD in Redding now finds himself mired in, just keeps getting deeper with each new,...
Does ANY Profession Commit More Theft Than Doctors? Not That We Can See
In the state of California the Division of Workers' Compensation has booted out dozens of bad doctors who had previously been allowed to...
Another Week: Another Doctor-Murderer Sent Off to Prison
In South Carolina last week yet another physician was convicted of Murder in the death of his wife. As you certainly ought to know if you...
Chubby & Tubby: Adults in the U.S. Just Keep Right on Putting on the 'Lardage'
Well, the jury is back and the view from the rear ain't pretty. Adult-folk in this country are packing on the pounds. Results of a...
Doctor Convicted - He Was 'Curing' Gay Patients by Prescribing Gay Sex. Huh?
In the Canadian border city of Toronto a psychiatrist has been found guilty of luring his patients into homosexual liaisons in order to...
California Criminal Doctors go to Prison; Get Released; Get Their Licenses Back Again. It's Revo
Over the past 25 years, the California Medical Board has routinely relicensed physicians who were found guilty of Attempted Murder,...
So How Many Bodies Did the Mental Hospital “Quietly” Bury?
Guess what underground radar discovered beneath the surface of the University of Mississippi Medical Center? Not much, just an estimated...
Doctor Who 'Destroyed His Girlfriend in Acid Bath' in 2014 Finally Sent to Prison
In Chesterfield County Circuit Court in Virginia a physician was sent to state prison last Monday, after being found guilty of Murder of...