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Third World Assassins

Ever Heard the Term ‘Third-World Assassins?’ Probably Not . . .

In the cloistered world of health care, there exists a curious term that pops up quietly among those  who treat patients for a living. The phrase is ‘third-world assassins’ –  dubbed TWA for short. TWA refers to foreign doctors who come here; are issued medical licenses in every state; then proceed to ply their trade, treating hundreds of thousands of citizens daily, often with seriously unprofessional skill levels, motives, or functional moral compass.


Why do American healthcare professionals refer to these people as TWAs?  Well, because as the name implies, they kill people with surprising regularity, due to either incompetence or indifference. More often, they injure patients daily, by totally unnecessary procedures, and then rob insurance carriers blind, as they dip into the well of the U.S. healthcare money trough.


And, we regret to tell you, the sheer numbers of Third World Assassins welcomed into naive American communities  are jaw-dropping.  Land of opportunity? You be the judge. Here’s just one:


Consider the smelly case of Doctor Jonathan Agbebiyi, age 62, of Sterling Heights, Michigan. This man has now been convicted on 6 counts of Healthcare Fraud and one count of Conspiracy.  Agbebiyi, you see,  was a staff physician at three different clinics that operated in Livonia, Michigan between 2007 – 2010: Blessed Medical Clinic; Alpha Omega Medical Clinic; and Manuel Medical Clinic.


“This particular doctor exposed patients to totally unnecessary nerve testing for no other purpose than to generate money for himself. In these cases he billed the Medicare program for millions of dollars. We are grateful for the hard work of investigators, who uncovered this betrayal of medical ethics and theft of taxpayer funds.” ( U.S. Attorney Barbara L. McQuade)












Evidence at trial revealed that thousands of patients were recruited by being lured by illegal drugs, cash payments and fast food. All 3 clinics then billed the Medicare program for thousands of diagnostic tests that were totally unnecessary.


Jonathan Agbebiyi, an obstetrician/gynecologist, was found to be a key part of a conspiracy to bill Medicare for medically unnecessary neurological tests – some of which involved sending electrical currents through the arms and legs of the patients.


How cool is that?


This scum of a physician immigrated to the U.S.; set up practice and then methodically started on his way to steal more than $5,000,000 dollars from American taxpayers. He was sentenced in 2012 to 5 years in federal prison.


We thank the Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations teams, who conducted the investigation into this case, as well as thousands of other healthcare related fraud cases nationwide.


Here’s another crook-look:



In Little Rock Arkansas, the wife of a doctor already in prison for a bombing that critically injured the chief of the Arkansas State Medical Board, has been sent to prison herself.


Sangeeta Mann, age 51,  was reported by detectives to have hidden evidence implicating her husband, Doctor Randeep Mann, during the 2009 attempted murder of Doctor Trent Pierce. Pierce, 54, the head of the Arkansas Medical Board, was badly burned in the attack and was initially listed in very critical condition.











                     Sangeeta Mann and Doctor Randeep Mann. Mid-Eastern immigrant terrorists


A federal jury convicted Randeep Mann, age 52, in 2010, of using a weapon of mass destruction and destroying a vehicle with an explosive in the February ’09 attack that nearly killed Dr. Trent Pierce. Mann, a federal firearms dealer, also was convicted of illegally possessing 98 grenades and a machine gun. Investigators revealed that Mann was being disciplined by the state medical board on a number of issues, including the drug deaths of several patients.












                        Doctor Trent Pierce was left partially blinded by this barbaric doctor's act                                       


During the trial of Sangeeta Mann, the jury listened to a number of phone conversations between her and her husband, who is serving a life sentence. They then convicted her of obstruction of justice. She will serve one year in jail.


Our Observations:


Randeep Mann is an Indian-born physician who emigrated to the U.S. after his medical training at the Armed Forces Medical College, University Of Pune, Maharashtra, India.


And people have the nerve to criticize us for pointing out  the Third World Assassins among us. We pity the fools. 


Here's more on this medical disgrace:


Wife of Indian-born MD Who Bombed Another Doctor Sent to Prison 

In the town of Brookline Massachusetts yet another Indian physician has been found guilty of defrauding Medicaid of millions of taxpayer funds, according to State Attorney General Maura Healey this morning.


How well do you know YOUR doctor?















Doctor Punyamurtula Kishore, age 64, whose ongoing scam business Preventive Medicine Associates provided an excellent cover for a monstrous kickback scheme, changed his “not guilty” plea to “guilty” 2 years ago in Suffolk Superior Court. He admitted to 19 counts of false Medicaid Claims; 8 counts of Medicaid Kickbacks and 11 other counts of grand theft.

Attorney General Healey said, “this doctor orchestrated a complex kickback scheme to funnel a lucrative drug screening business to his laboratories and then billed taxpayers millions of dollars for those services.”

As a result, Superior Court Judge Janet Sanders sentenced Kishore to 360 days in the jail and a 10-year suspended sentence. Kishore was ordered to surrender his medical license and repay $9,300,000 in restitution.

Lab coat lunatic Kishore had owned and operated Preventive Medicine Associates, which managed about 30 laboratories in Massachusetts, including physician office labs. The prosecution was able to prove that Kishore used bribery to induce operators of alcohol and drug housing to refer their residents’ urine screening business to his laboratories for testing. Residents were typically screened three times per week.

By law, $100-$200 urine drug tests may legally be billed to MassHealth by a doctor if they are medically necessary. Kishore illegally obtained tens of thousands of drug screens paid for by MassHealth residents who were never qualified patients.

State regulations require that the services must be medically necessary and the provider must be physically present and actively involved in the treatment.

Here’s our original article picked up by an Indian-American news site: 



Our Observations:


This particular Third World Assassin graduated from Andhra Medical College in India in 1974. He immigrated to the U.S. and learned from his colleagues that the American medical system is rife with opportunities for massive theft. Had he been even slightly less greedy, it is likely he never would have been caught.


After his time in jail, do you wonder if this brazen public enemy will be deported?


Absolutely not. the United States does not deport foreign-born criminal doctors. We reward them.


Here's another look at this lab coat lunatic:


MAD DOG Millionaire Indian Doctor Stole from U.S. Taxpayers: Got 1 Year in Jail

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