Is It Sunday? Time for Some Physician Phunnies . . . ‘Cuz That’s the Way We Roll
We suspect these would be less funny if they weren’t . . . you know . . . true. You know the phrase, “We could never make this stuff up?”...

Immigrant Physicians: Never Supervised, Far Too Often Sexual Predators
In the city of Dayton Ohio a Montgomery County judge has sentenced yet another Mid-Eastern doctor to state prison for sexually assaulting...

Brain-sick Doctor in the U.K. 'Guilty' of Burning His Initials into Patients' Livers
Yet another lab coat lunatic has had his freaky fetishes exposed to the world - this one in England. It seems that an egotistical ass by...

Best Doctors in America? Well, Take a Look at Our 'Top 10 Worst List' for 2017
Over the course of 2017's last week, a plethora of news sites will shout from the belfry all the "Best Doctors of the Year." In our...

The Quotidian Face of 'Healthcare' Has Gone Next-level Insane
You might have heard of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland. Hopkins was founded 141 years ago and has spawned 36 Nobel...

To Our Readers: Please Do Have Yourself a Smiley Little Christmas. You Deserve it
From those of us who would really do this . . . just to bring smiles to the neighborhood . . . .

‘No Units Available’ – America, Get Used to That Answer. It's Without Question the New Normal
So this story just happens to originate in Detroit. But trust us when we reveal this: the cities with the worst human behavior have THIS...

Saudi Doctors Get Discipline Whippings. How About it, America? You Mind Taking Notes?
In the Gulf kingdom of Saudi Arabia a criminal court judge sentenced an Arab physician to a 10-year prison term, after finding him guilty...

Doctor Carmen Puliafito and USC: The Smoke & Mirrors Games Played by Hospitals and Their Bad Phy
Up until last year Doctor Carmen Puliafito was the dean extraordinaire of Keck School of Medicine, at the University of Southern...

Convict them? Of course we convict them. 200 a month, actually. But the med-nuts just keeeep oooon c
So which profession generates the most crime? Which collection of professionals steals more money; accounts for more court costs;...