America: It's Time for an 'Idiot Penalty'
"Stupid is as stupid does" (Forrest Gump) Hey, Readers. You DO realize you pay for this imbecile's brainlessness, right?

'Freaky Death' Personified? Lady Doctor Killed on Frankenstein Cliff Trail
In a particularly strange and cruel turn of events in the lives of a close-knit New England family, a 57-year-old Massachusetts physician...

Doctor Who Hired a Hit Man to Kill Another Doctor Will Get a New Trial
Doctor Thomas Dixon It was five years ago - in 2013 in Amarillo Texas - that Doctor Thomas Dixon, was arrested, found guilty and...

"What I Did Wasn't Criminal. My Case Should Have Been Handled as Medical Malpractice"
Ever see a sexual predator on the prowl? Well, this is what it often looks like In perhaps the most appallingly self-serving statement...

New Jersey's 'Dirty Dozen' Dufus Doctors of 2018. "Stupid is as Stupid Does"
A "dirty dozen" physicians in New Jersey managed to step into deep legal doo-doo this past year. So if you plan on setting an appointment...

When Barbers Were Doctors . . . Things Often Worked Out Just Fine
For most of human history, people did not see the expertise of a physician in the hope of a cure. Physicians relied on patients' natural...

Predator MDs: in a Saner Society, Victims Would March to the Clinics with Torches and Pitchforks
In New York City two years ago a Columbia University physician named Robert Hadden confessed in court to "criminal sex act upon a...

'Bachelor of the Year' Doctor Just Might be Orange County 'Rapist of the Decade'
The Paramedic Heretic could make this physician garbage-misbehavior up. Appallingly, we've never had to. Physicians commit more crime...

The Medical Monster Called 'Merck': What's in YOUR Medicine Cabinet?
Merck's reputation for excellence stinks to high heaven, and has for quite a while. It was 15 years ago - in 2003 - when the drug company...

'Gosnell': The Book Bad Doctors Hope You Won't Bother to Read
by PatricParamedic for Amazon Books “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer” opened in October - and what an ugly blight on U.S....