"What I Did Wasn't Criminal. My Case Should Have Been Handled as Medical Malpractice"

Ever see a sexual predator on the prowl? Well, this is what it often looks like
In perhaps the most appallingly self-serving statement made by any medical practitioner in the year 2018, Doctor Larry Nassar - the former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics physician convicted on hundreds of sex abuse incidents upon young women and girls - proclaimed that his case was, "not criminal. It should have been handled as simple medical malpractice."
This, according to a report released by David Dwyre, chief attorney general investigator. Dwyre interviewed Nassar personally before the doctor was sent to transfer to federal prison,
The report, released last week, is an addendum to the official investigation of Michigan State University and its handling of the Nassar sexual assault case. The report detailed that investigators found university administration officials repeatedly attempted to limit law enforcement efforts to gather details of what Nassar had done and for how long. It says university officials refused to cooperate with, "the very investigation it pledged to support" by issuing misleading public statements, "drowning" investigators in irrelevant documents and asserting attorney-client privilege when it did not apply. The report also states that the disgraced doctor, "remains defiant and unrepentant."
"It immediately became clear that his statements of remorse in the courtroom were a farce."

The report's final statement determined that the predator-doctor long history of undisciplined abuse was enabled by "a series of individual failures. The university fostered a culture of indifference toward sexual assault, motivated by its desire to protect its reputation."
The massive investigation found and interviewed 280 victims of Nassar's sexual abuse. At least a dozen testified they had reported the doctor's predator behavior abuse to university employees at the time - some as far back as 1997 and as recent as 2015. Each university staff member who learned of Nassar's actions, except for one, "downplayed the seriousness, or discouraged the victims, from informin law enforcement.
In addition to the disgraced doctor, the report names 3 others who have already been charged: former gymnastics coach Kathy Klages; former Dean of Osteopathic Medicine William Strampel; and former university President Lou Anna Simon.
Doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to 175 years in federal prison.