Another Week: Another Doctor-Murderer Sent Off to Prison

In South Carolina last week yet another physician was convicted of Murder in the death of his wife. As you certainly ought to know if you are even a casual reader of The Paramedic Heretic, spousal murder is one of the most common crimes committed by doctors.
The strangely-named Doctor General Theophilus Little of Charleston was found guilty last Friday by a jury that believed the prosecution had proven it's case - namely. that the physician had beaten his 69-year-old wife Barbara Little, at her home in West Ashley, in September 2015.
The coroner investigators testified it was the most violent beating death they had ever seen.
The prosecutors ended their 5-day trial by showing the court that Barbara Little's DNA had been found on former husband's shoes. They also showed the court that the doctor had done numerous internet searches regarding "blood evidence" on his home computer.
The jurors agreed with the prosecution that Little had killed his former wife so that he would no longer have to pay alimony.
At the time of the murder, the doctor was employed as a primary care MD at the V.A. hospital in in Beaufort.
Doctor General Little, now age 71, was sentenced by Circuit Judge Thomas Hughston to 30 years in South Carolina State Prison,
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