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Doctor 'Chubby-Tummy' Defense Falls Flat. He Gets Nailed for Patient Sexual Assault

In Eastern Canada medical authorities have finally revoked the license of a doctor after they found him guilty last year of Patient Sexual Abuse.

The discipline committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario stripped Doctor Rodion Kunynetz of the right to treat patients, after hearing sworn testimony from more than 10 women, who described in detail how the dermatologist would grope their breasts and rub his groin against their legs as they lay on the exam tables.

Kunynetz had already been suspended by the committee since October 2015, pending the outcome of the discipline phase.

During the tribunal the physician's lawyer argued that - because kunynetz sports a rather large stomach = it was physically impossible for him to rub against the nearly-nude women in the manner they described. "There is no way he could have rubbed his penis against his female patients the way they say, because of his large belly," his attorney told the committee.

The discipline committee disagreed, and announced their decision on February 20. that the penalty of license revocation was mandatory.

“The cumulative effect of Doctor Kunynetz’s misconduct, including both sexual abuse and disgraceful, dishonorable and unprofessional conduct, undermines public trust in the integrity of the profession of medicine."

The dopey doc's troubles are just starting, He has at least 3 criminal trials pending for sex-related idiocy. Here's more:

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