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Daft Doctor Traded Pills for Cash & Sex Now Off to Prison. One Down, 1,000 to go

In the city of Metairie Louisiana a physician who confessed to narcotic drug-dealing, Medicare Fraud and threatening to kill police who came to his clinic to get him, has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison.

This medical maniac was a one-man crime spree in a lab coat . . . for a while anyway.

Doctor Shannon Christopher Ceasar, age 45, formerly operated a scam clinic called The Gulf South Physician's Group in Metairie, until his arrest in July 2016. U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman also ordered the criminal doctor to repay more than $150,000 that he stole from Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Cross of Louisiana.

The 10-year sentence ended the long legal drama involving a physician who peddled narcotics for sex and money; used drug sales cash to amass an arsenal of three dozen weapons, and raved that he would kill Drug Enforcement Administration investigators if they dared come after him.

Ceasar's clinic manager, Stephen Guilbault, confessed last November to using Ceasar's pre-signed prescription forms to get opioids for himself and his girlfriend.

The idiot doctor finally saw that he was facing life in prison, so he changed his plea to guilty last April, to charges of Conspiracy to Distribute Oxycodone, threatening to murder federal law enforcement officers and committing Health Care Fraud.

Just the kind of lunatics you want treating your family at the neighborhood clinic, eh?

Here's another look:

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