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Our Newest Social Disease? “Sensitivity Coma.” It Turns Smart Folks Into Idiots

America's ‘Mind-Freeze’ Tolerance of Outrageous Behavior

Consider this:

18 months before the day the World Trade Center was destroyed, a civil service staff member at a Florida branch of the Department of Agriculture had an unnerving encounter with the Muslim leader of the 911 attack: 33-year-old Egyptian fanatic Mohammed Atta.

We can thank the idiocy of ‘cultural inclusion at all costs,’ for this, Atta had walked into her office one morning in May 2000 and ordered the woman at the desk to immediately issue him a loan for $600,000. “I need to buy a plane,” he said mysteriously. The woman was more than a little surprised, but told Atta there was a process involved in borrowing money from a U.S. government agency, and that process started with an application.

Atta exploded in anger. She was being unreasonable! Probably because he was a foreigner! How would she like it if he climbed over the desk and just took the money?

“Maybe I should just cut your throat with my knife.”

To her credit, the government employee remained calm and explained that her office did not deal with cash at all. Any and all transactions were issued by mail and by check. But it all started with an application of need.

While the frightening encounter was going on, as the woman explained to the FBI later, Atta noticed a large aerial picture on the office wall displaying sites of interest – such as the Lincoln Memorial – in the nation’s capital city. Atta demanded that she sell him the photograph. And when she explained it was not for sale, he went off on another bizarre tirade, threatening to blow up the landmarks and monuments in the picture. And it wasn’t long before he started asking her questions about the World Trade Center.

Now, a mental case walking into anyone’s office is troubling enough. But to our mind, what’s far more troubling is the mind-frame of the woman behind the counter. “I sensed the man was trying hard to make the cultural leap from his country to ours,” she eventually told authorities.

Yes, indeed. She really did mouth those exact, mind-numbing words.

We can all thank the idiocy of ‘cultural inclusion at all costs,’ for this horrible day in history

So, let’s peel back a few layers of this onion. A psycho ambles into your workplace unannounced and threatens to rob the company safe. He yammers that he needs to buy an airplane. He freakishly starts threatening to blow up government buildings and sites of historical significance. He blurts out that he could easily slash your throat. Did this educated professional government employee think it might be a bright idea to contact law enforcement and tell them . . . oh, we don’t know , , , what just happened?

She did not.

“I felt bad for him, and was trying to make his transition into our society easier.”

Lord, love a duck you people.

This poor, apparently well-meaning lady, was so addicted to her “tolerance” of garbage-level behavior, that in her zeal to bend over backwards to accommodate immigrants – she failed to recognize her very own brain was tilted more to the Left than the Tower of Pisa.

And it hurts our mouth to report the mentally-challenged folks who think like this number in the millions.

In fact, so prevalent is it to remain “tolerant” of outrageous behavior at all costs – behavior that would shoot warning flares towards anyone capable of logical thought – that it is outright blinding us to the new normal: the zeitgeist of the group-think, “we have no right to be judgmental” nonsense.

Well, here’s a news flash: yeah, we really do have that right. In fact, we owe it to ourselves and our children. It’s called social responsibility.

In the end, this deliberately fragile-minded woman gets to live the rest of her life knowing that her inaction when it mattered – her visceral craving to be non-judgmental – rendered her wholly incapable of recognizing what a child could have seen: there was a shark in the town swimming pool. And she was the first one to see it.

Well, you know the rest, do you not? The following year, this same wild-eyed religious freak, Mohammed Atta, crashed a Boeing 767 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, killing everyone on board. The crash led to the collapse of the tower, ultimately causing the deaths of over 1,600 civilians and first responders in the North Tower.

Oh, and that comment he’d made about slashing an American’s throat? He got the opportunity to do that, too – in the name of Allah, of course.

Moral of the story? Tolerance – taken to the extreme – is the skeleton of a hominid with no ethical spinal column.

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