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Another Medical Scamster Sent off to Jail - at Least for a Little While

The young Florida con-artist who set up a fake clinic so that he could hide the fact he was a fake doctor, has been sent off to state prison for at least 3 years.

This particular fool's name is Malachi Love-Robinson, a 20-year-old street punk in a lab coat

who finally reversed his 'not guilty' plea and confessed last Thursday, to several felonies.

Robinson, who was a teenager when he started his life as a clinical criminal, was handcuffed and taken away following his sentencing hearing in West Palm Beach last week. He confessed in court to Grand Theft and Practicing Medicine Without a License. He was also ordered to pay restitution to the patients he stole money from.

Robinson was just 19 years old when he was arrested in 2016, after investigators discovered he was practicing medicine without a license and had stolen $35,000 from at least one patient. Authorities reported Robinson stole thousands more from an 86-year-old woman during a series of "home-health visits".

Malachi Love-Robinson - a baby-faced street-punk in a lab coat.

Robinson had already been sentenced to 1 year in jail last May, after he lied multiple times to a car dealership in Virginia. Police said he lied in an effort to obtain credit when trying to purchase a new Jaguar.

Here's more on this stethoscope scamp:

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