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'Third World Assassins' Just Keeeeppp onnn Commmmin'

A foreign physician who finally got around to confessing to sexually assaulting a teenage girl on a United Airlines cross-country flight last summer is now in jail - for a few weeks, anyway.

The 29-year-old Indian national by the name of Doctor Vijay Krishnappa, was sentenced to 90 days behind bars last Friday. The predator MD had changed his 'not guilty' plea to 'guilty' in November.

Investigators reported the freaky physician groped an unnamed 16-year-old girl between her legs after she had fallen asleep next to him on the July flight from Seattle to Newark New Jersey. The teenager was flying alone. He was handcuffed and taken to jail by FBI agents on July 23.

The following is a verbatim statement of the FBI criminal warrant issued on July 24:

“Some time into the flight, the victim fell asleep. Defendant KRISHNAPPA placed his hand on the Victim’s thigh, after which the Victim woke and Defendant KRISHNAPPA removed his hand.

The Victim subsequently fell asleep again. While she was sleeping, Defendant KRISHNAPPA put his hand on her groin and inner thigh, and began rubbing the Victim through her clothing. Defendant KRISHNAPPA also tried to put his other hand inside of the Victim’s pants. The Victim was startled awake, and Defendant KRISHNAPPA pulled his hands away.

The Victim immediately reported Defendant KRISHNAPPA to a flight attendant and asked to be moved to another seat because Defendant KRISHNAPPA had touched her. The Victim was moved to another seat.”

By law United Airlines authorities can and should have held the wayward doctor until law enforcement arrived. They chose to allow him to leave the plane and walk out of the airport because . . . need we say why?

The suspect was a doctor. Get it?

Krishnappa is in the United States as part of a training program for foreign doctors. We're guessing groping young women was not part of the curriculum, although, judging by the garbage behavior of so many of his countrymen, he may have thought sexual assault was merely a medical perk. Since the year 2000, numerous Indians have been arrested for sexually assaulting women on U.S. airliners, including Veerab Kunam, Devender Singh, Ganesh Parkar and Srinivasa Erramilli, to name a few cases.

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