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"A Drug-dealer Hiding Behind a White Coat and Stethoscope"

In Richmond Virginia last August a physician drug-pusher by the name of Doctor Clarence Scranage Jr. was convicted by a federal court jury of operating a sham clinic, whose purpose was simple and two-fold: flood the local illicit drug market with addictive narcotics, and get rich while doing it.

And this week Scranage learned that he will be spending the next 30 years in prison for his reindeer games.

Scranage, now age 62, a resident of King George County, was convicted on 18 counts of Drug Distribution.

During the trial the prosecution was able to prove that over a 5-year period that ended in 2015, the power greedy MD wrote more than 1,200 prescriptions, usually for "patients" he never met, for nearly a quarter-million oxycodone pills in exchange for cash. Oxycodone is a highly addictive opioid.

One witness for the prosecution called Scranage "a one-man opioid epidemic".

More than 3 dozen other criminals were involved in the drug scheme, working as pill fillers street dealers and bogus patient recruiters, according to investigators.

“This so-called 'doctor' is a drug dealer hiding behind a white coat and stethoscope.” (Assistant U.S. AttorneyAngela Mastandrea-Miller)

Here's another look at this particular lab coat loon:

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