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Ivy League Physician Takes Drug Cartel Bribes, Fakes Medical Records, Goes Off to Prison. Which Doct

Another physician - this one in Rhode Island - has been handcuffed and sent off to federal prison. This. after being convicted of taking illegal cash payments from a drug cartel.

If you give us a moment, we're sure we can conjure up our shocked face. "Whaaaaah!!"

Doctor Jerrold Rosenberg - already fired as a professor at prestigious Brown University - finally confessed to taking just under $200,000 in kickbacks. The money was disguised as speaker fees. The wayward MD also earned cash by falsifying patient records in order to fake out insurance carriers, which resulted in them paying for the pain medication, Subsys.

“You in effect sold your medical license to a pharmaceutical company,” U.S. District Judge John J. McConnell said. “That’s intolerable.” The judge sentenced Rosenberg to 51 months and ordered restitution of $754,000.

As it turns out, the illegal cash came from Insys Therapeutics, which was pushing the idiot doctor Rosenberg to routinely prescribe their highly addictive liquid version of the narcotic painkiller, Fentanyl, regardless of whether the patients needed it.

The prosecution proved in court that Rosenberg ignored and even bullied patients who didn't want to take the powerful pain-killing liquid. At least one patient suffered an overdose and almost died, as a result of the doctor's immoral pushing of the dangerous drug.

It turns out that Rosenberg’s son was an Insys sales representative and cashed in on “substantial commissions” from his father’s willingness to prescribe the drug,

Rosenberg MD, age 63, is merely one of four medical maniacs now sitting in cages in this case - jailed for taking greedy Insys pharmaceutical's bribes and endangering patients' lives.

Last month, Michigan pain MD Gavin Awerbuch was sent off to two years in prison, after confessing he too, took fake "speaker fees" from Insys for prescribing Subsys for no medical purposes.

Last year in Alabama, Doctor John Couch was sentenced to 20 years for Medical Racketeering, for taking illegal cash payments for prescribing Subsys. Couch’s partner in crime, Doctor Xiulu Ruan, was sentenced to 21 years in prison for his role in the scam.

Billionaire Insis CEO John Kapoor and 6 of his executives have all been arrested for orchestrating the elaborate doctor-bribery scheme to defraud healthcare providers. Kapoor, who is facing Racketeering and Conspiracy charges, is scheduled to go to trial in 2019.

Just makes us proud to be an American, doesn't it? A moral beacon for the world?

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